Update the corporate communications with the best collaboration tools and have the best results with solutions that allow to accompany the competitiveness of the market. A collaborative system brings several benefits to companies because it allows to work in a more innovating way and simplify the mechanisms of communication.
We evaluate and design solutions suited to the requirements of each organization, so to reduce the costs and avoid displacements, thus increasing productivity and improving the management of communication devices.
To reduce and control costs, increasing simultaneously flexibility, we implement solutions suited to your communication needs. The narrow partnership with suppliers of traditional telephony, IP telephony and open source solutions allows us to have an open and objective offer:
- Call centers and voice communication servers for solutions to the 10 thousand extensions, centralized in one only building or distributed through several locations;
- Automatic answering system and self-service (IVR)
- Multimedia contact centers (telephone, email, SMS, web) for inbound and outbound solutions

Companies need to connect work teams, business partners and clients physically distant. Corporate video conference is the solution!
Eliminates distances and replaces on-site meetings.
The advanced video conference systems give you and unique experience for the needs of corporate communications - of any sector - and incorporate the most recent technology of video communications with high quality audio, high definition video, effectiveness communication, connection stability and user-friendly and safe software that offer total mobility and saves time and cost of displacements.

Contact Center solutions offer a high added value to your client’s business. Organizations are increasingly opting for unified communications’ strategies that are presupposed to integrate communication services live, such as chats, video conferences, voice recording, email and SMS. Companies are realizing how to work more specialized, quickly and with results, including train your staff with technology and design
Within the solution that better adjusts to your investment, which equipment is the more suited for Contact Center is also evaluated. There is a wide range of technological innovators who help working and communicating more efficiently, capable to satisfy the needs of the professionals in the area and value its product.

Considering the new means and new types of interactions currently arriving, operational teams of PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Point), dispatch and customer service agent will need to alter their existing applicational operations, procedures and interfaces, in conformity to manage a voice call, an eCall and answer an automatic communication originated in IoT (Internet of Things).
The new generation of emergency systems will totally embrace communication with location recognition (Geolocation), introducing eCall, which allows for calls made automatically or manually from cars involved in accidents. The second step is AML (Advanced Mobile Location) which will help locate the callers that use modern smart phones.
Special access needs, result in the concept of Total Conversation, going beyond traditional voice communication, adding visual communication with video and text in real time (RTT) specially for deaf citizens, as well as a use of multichannel access, including “Social Media”.